Working sustainably Living equally

strong climate action is the only way forward


The social and economic disruption of recent months has accelerated the changing relationship between organizations and the world in which they operate. Leadership teams should capitalize on this momentum by setting bold ambitions for how they plan to help deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals and reimagine how their organizations operate to match. In times of crisis, people look to leaders for compassion, care and confidence in navigating the company into the future.

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Believe organizations should be responsible for leaving their people “net better off” through work

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Increase in investor signatories in 2020 to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment

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Plan to make more sustainable or ethical purchases over the next six months

activate your Sustainability DNA

Organizations that put people first and meet their fundamental human needs through work will unlock their people’s full potential, and see an increase in business performance, but before, they have to activate their Sustainability DNA. the management practices, systems and processes that shape new behaviors and decision-making capabilities, Building human connections, Collective intelligence, and shared accountability.

Human Dignity

Be the champions of inclusion, diversity, and equality inside the organization

Open Dialogue

Be consultative and listen to your employees regardless of speech’s nature

Planetary Boundaries

Elevates good citizenship of Earth’s natural and human environment

Learning Culture

Prepares people for the future world of work through targeted learning and growth

Active Resilience

Shapes workplaces and UX to build mental and physical resilience

Progressive Technology

Harnesses IT to solve problems without creating harmful side effects

Deep Metrics

Analyzes inputs, impacts, and risks across multiple time horizons

Dynamic Ethics

Takes a dynamic approach to upholding and enhancing business ethics

ZERO Rising to the challenge


Today’s climate crisis drives us to rethink and reinvent our world by embedding stakeholder-centricity at the heart of organizational transformation, leaders can deliver multi-dimensional value and realize the promise of stakeholder capitalism. Here at Thedigitech, we dare to not just dream about this aspiration, but to power the technology and innovation that is required to activate this bold vision into reality.

The challenge of achieving net zero emissions (also known as “carbon neutrality”) is a significant one for companies around the world. Net zero refers to the idea of balancing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere with an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere, effectively reducing the overall amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to zero. Together we can rewrite the playbook on authentic business responsibility, and create an impact that matters.

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Sustainability It's a lifeline for the future

The UN Global Compact has named this the “decade to deliver” on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The call for action has been accelerated as the world navigates climate crises and the global pandemic.

We have an opportunity to change the business models of companies, by incorporating sustainable practices into the design of operations. Sustainability is becoming more important for all companies, across all industries. 62% of executives consider a sustainability strategy necessary to be competitive today, and another 22% think it will be in the future. As the expectations on corporate responsibility increase, and as transparency becomes more prevalent, companies are recognizing the need to act on sustainability. 

Take a look at how we drive societal change and promote environmental sustainability...

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